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This website takes publically available data from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Annual Returns Locator Service, and converts it to a form that can easily be visualised and analysed.
The data is presented as a network, with political parties depicted as squares and donors as circles. Each donor is linked to the party they donated to, and the size and colour of the donor circles represent the size of the donations.
Clicking on a donor or party opens the info panel on the right providing more information. The filter panel on the left allows the data to be filtered many different ways.
The visualisation is primarily done using the javascript d3 library. The code to munge the AEC data and run the visualisation is open source and available on github.
This site is a edited copy of politicaldonations.info; many thanks to that original site's
contributors (in alphabetical order):
Ascelin Gordon @ascelin
Ben Lyall @BenLyall
Jarrah Bloomfield
River Satya
Tim Osborn @memelab
This particular version of this website has also taken publicly available data from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), outlining donations from fossil fuel companies, as defined by 350.org Australia. It focusses on the donations to the major parties, listing the donations as disclosed by the major parties. The changes have been made by Peter W (@techieshark).
With politicaldonations.info it’s easy to get all sorts of interesting and useful information regarding donations to political parites. To get you started here are some examples of ways you can use the site to answer simple questions.
How much did the Coalition receive in donations each year between 1998-2015?
Who donated to both ALP and Coalition in 2013-2014?
Who gave donations over a $1 million in 2014-2015?
Searching for a specific donor to see how much they gave ín a specific year?